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In memory of C. Saratchandran!

By now you may be aware that our friend C Sarat Chandran passed away on 31 March 2010 in a train accident near Chalakudi, Kerala. After the cremation, a condolence meeting was organized on 2 April 2010 in Thiruvanthapuram. More than 100 friends attended the meeting and sharedtheir memories of Sarat Chandran.

Sarat has shown us the significant role a film maker plays in social change and how powerful a camera can be as an agent of such change. Untiringly he had screened documentaries throughout the length and breadth of Kerala about several socio- political issues. He was anactivist, a filmmaker who was an inspiration and a great support for all individuals and organizations that screened issue-based documentaries across the country. He has reached out to many both through the medium of movies and with his most democratic personal politics.

Surely we are facing a big void with Sharath’s passing away; especially during the most troubling times we are living in.

The following suggestions came up in the meeting:

1) A Retrospective Film Festival should be organized in various parts of India during the first week of May 2010 – possibly on 8th MaySaturday ( If you are interested in holding the screening in your area, please write to us amudhan.rp@gmail.com, pedepics@gmail.com).

2) A booklet should be released containing opinions and thoughts of friends about Sarat Chandran; Friends will be requested to share theirthoughts by, latest, 1st week of May. (If interested, please mail it to mustafdesam@gmail.com)

3) A small documentary should be made about the life and work of Sarat Chandran. This film be screened during the Retrospective FilmFestival. Kerala State Chalachithra Academy has agreed to give an annual award in the name of Saratchandran to the best documentary on Human Rights issues. Besides, there will be a retrospective package of Sarat’s films in the upcoming International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala June 2010.

4) A film archive that comprises the collections of Sarat may be created (with the permission of Sudha).

5) An annual film festival for issue based films should be organized in Trivandrum.

6). Nottam, the traveling film festival started by Sarath chandran should be continued by Pedestrian Pictures.

7) Various friends and organisations should be contacted to contribute financially to complete the films started by Sarat Chandran.


1)Baburaj, Amudhan and Mustafa agreed to complete Sarat’s unfinished film on the Kathikudam issue and

2)Madurai International Documentary and Short Film Festival agreed to create an award in the honor of Sarat Chandran for an issue-based film.

The spirit and legacy of Sarath Chandran should be carried forward. With tears in our eyes, lets us rise up to fill this void, to make our voices heard and documented against injustices — both small and big!. Let Sarat’s lifelong pursuits live on through our political activities and films. We request all the friends of Sarat Chandran throughout the country to support us in this endeavour.

Please visit for photographs of Sarat Chandran:


  1. April 16, 2010 at 3:07 pm

    The Calicut University Film Society is organizing film screenings in memory of C Sarat Chandran on 20, 21 april 2010 at Seminar Complex ,Calicut University.Sri.Shaji fron Surya TV will deliver a speech on Sarat during the occation.

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